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富贵山庄殡葬配套白衣天使nirvana funeral service packages white lady
富贵山庄殡葬配套白衣天使nirvana funeral service packages white lady

富贵殡仪配套 Nirvana Funeral Service Packages








Respect for Women
Preserving the dignity of your departed loved ones.

The White Ladies are a team of professionally trained female embalmers and beauticians dedicated to rendering their immaculate services with a genuine heart for deceased female body. This will leave a comforting imprint on the spouse, parents and children who would feel more at ease with this service respect for their departed loved ones.


  • 白衣天使服務只限於巴生谷地區/White Ladies service is available in Klang Valley only.



  • 领取死亡下葬与下葬证书。
  • 如果死因是他杀或自杀,法医将为死者解剖,寻找死因。解剖后,解剖报告将寄到警局,以便开发下葬证书。
  • 协助认领遗体并运送回丧府或我们的富贵纪念馆。
  • 在让家属瞻仰遗容之前,我们将为死者作防腐工作、清洁尸身、穿上寿衣及化妆。
  • 让死者进棺,然后准备殡葬追悼礼仪。
  • 如果殡葬追悼礼仪在死者家里进行,我们将提供大棚、电风扇、灯、桌子、桌布及椅子。
  • 我们也提供死者相片放大服务。
  • 用鲜花装饰死者遗照的相框。
  • 架设庄严灵位以便进行宗教祈祷仪式(打斋)。
  • 提供帛金簿与帛金箱。
  • 提供路向指示牌与灯笼。
  • 提供专业服务人员。
  • 提供两晚坐夜服务人员。
  • 富贵殡仪套装提供3天2夜的水果与素食餐点。
  • 富贵殡仪套装的服务包括提供女婿铭旗、麻衣孝服、糖果红包、饮品,以及花生。
  • 提供专业音乐队、追思相册,以及封棺服务。
  • 豪华礼车一辆,负责运载孝子、孝女,豪华灵车,负责运载棺木, 以及一辆豪华冷气巴士运载客人。


Funeral Service:
We also offer funeral related products and services, including caskets, urns, cremation memorialization products, Taoist and Buddhist handcrafted paper models, flowers, catering services, photography and other ancillary services. We provide funeral services at our funeral homes, third-party owned funeral homes, churches and the homes of our customers. Our funeral packages are tailored to our customers’ requirements, according to their respective cultural and religious practices.


Our funeral packages are offered both on an as-needed and pre-needed basis. Our ‘as-needed’ products and services are available to customers who require an immediate need for a funeral service upon the demise of their loved ones. On the other hand, our ‘pre-needed’ products and services are made available for customers who wish to preplan their own or their loved ones’ funeral services.

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Nirvana memorial park  富贵山庄
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