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世外桃源 Nirvana Memorial Garden, Semenyih




2公里,地勢連綿起伏,形勢氣象萬千,從風水的角度來看,《世外桃源》是一塊山巒起伏,林海蒼蒼,涼風習 習而靈氣流動的風水寶地。朝東,位于賦以靈性的風水地段,地靈人傑,強調自然的和諧環境,生動有情,前正方左右環抱風水起伏的群山旺水,藏風得水,蔚為特色,給人一種幽雅舒適、心矌神怡的感覺,可以稱得上格局不俗的風水寶地。


Nirvana Memorial Garden is just next to the existing Nirvana Memorial Park. Totaling 209 acres, the Nirvana Memorial Garden is a newly developed memorial park which is only 2km distance from Nirvana Memorial Park. It is an environmentally serene burial land blessed with great Feng Shui and contemporary design. This all new Memorial Park sets a new benchmark for the establishment of peaceful environments that have specific zones, catering for Buddhists and Taoist and Christians.


Map semenyih
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